Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Strolling Through The Garden of Good and Evil

Greetings all! Yes, I know it's been awhile since I've posted on "Get a Clue", but I've been crazy-busy! As a matter of fact, I've asked Ivy Snow to fill you all in on our trip to Savannah Georgia "The Hostess City of the South." Our visit was inspired by a favorite book (and movie) Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.

If you're not familiar, it's the story of Jim Williams, an international antiques dealer who lived at Mercer  House, a neo-classic mansion that is the setting for a brutal murder that rocked the genteel citizens of Savannah.

 So, without further ado...take it away Ivy....

"Hi everyone. It's nice to be back. Hopefully we've already met in Murder at Morgan House, but if not, I invite you to read the book. We really should get to know each other better. 

As for visiting Savannah, we packed an incredible amount of adventure into one whirlwind of a day! As Janet mentioned, the trip was inspired by the happenings at Mercer House as related in the novel, so let's begin there! 

We drove into Bull Street early Sunday afternoon, and fed a parking meter that was free on Sundays (typical.) We were immediately waylaid by an adorable Springer Spaniel named Belle, and her charming  as we strolled across Monterey Square on our way to tour Mercer House.